
Dream endlessly and always try to make it real. | What you will get is what you have done. | Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference - Winston Churchill | Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are - Muhammad Ali

Sunday, September 13, 2009


hello hello hello fams, friends and all my reader :DD

wah senangnya ya udah liburan puasa dan lebaran. Sangat gak kerasa sekarang udah hari ke 23 ramadhan, 6 hari lagi menuju Hari Idhul Fitri 1430 H.

However, holidays are not always good, right? On my holidays time, i just spend my time at home with my family. Yeah, it's happy time to gather with our family. But sometimes i feel very very bored. I need a travelling so much. Anybody can tell me the ideas?

Oya, the task are waiting on my desk. Hem ckckck lebih bosen lagi nginget itu hehehehe. Yah semoga aja di hari hari berikutnya semakin baik dan ada event tertentu yang bikin gue seneng hehehehehe.

Oke, kayaknya sampai sini dulu aja yaaaaaaaaaaa. Have a nice day, friends :D