
Dream endlessly and always try to make it real. | What you will get is what you have done. | Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference - Winston Churchill | Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are - Muhammad Ali

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Helpful Japan Robots

Hello guys it's me again. I would like to tell you about those, robot Japans. They are really great and cute. Check them out!

1. Motoman Robot : Smart in Cooking
Actually, MotoMan was made for creating disposable digital camera but it can also cook Okonomiyaki! Okonomiyaki is a kind of Japanese food.

2. Yaskawa-kun : An Ice Cream Vendor

3. RIBA : Holding Up The Patients In Hospital
RIBA (Robot for Interactive Body Assistance) is created by Japan Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN). It was especially created to help nurses in hospital holding up the patients.

4. ApriPoko : Universal Remote Control
ApriPoko is produced by Toshiba. It is an Universal Remote Control which can control various appliances.

See this! It's very cute.

5. Hina : Manga Robot Who Can Make Coffee
A Japanese named Clockwork (a pseudonym) have been successful creating this robot. He didn't only create it for making coffee but he could modify this robot like manga character called Hina.

Watch this! It would toast bread after making coffee!

Okay guys this is my last post for my assignment! Finally I've done. My english is very very bad, so I'm sorry if you can't understand it. Now, I can concentrate for my examination next wednesday. Wish me luck. And I wish everything I've written on this blog is useful.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Instant Shirts!

Japan creates instant shirts by using technology of instant noodles. These shirts have the same principles with instant noodles. Actually, the size of these shirts is very small, but when you soak it into the water, it goes to be normal size. It's very suitable to be brought in travelling, so you needn't bring big bag.

source :

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Plastic to Oil, Go Green Machine!

Blest, a company from Japan has discovered a machine that can turn plastic into crude oil. And everyone can do this by using this machine. Because that's not hard to use it. Besides, this machine is small and portable. So, you can take it on the table or anywhere you want. And also it just needs several minutes to change plastic into crude oil. It's very useful and simple, right?

The process of turning plastic into crude oil is by heating to thaw the plastics and change them into gas. And then the gas would change the water into the oil.

It would cost US$ 9.500 (almost Rp. 100 million). We hope it can make our environment cleaner and      obstruct the process of global warming. Who wants to save the money to buy this? Or is there anyone who is making another useful machine? We hope. 

Keep calm, no need to have a brilliant brain to save the environment. We can also do many useful things for environment during our daily activity. Go green!!

source :

Bedah Kampus UI dan Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

Halo halo halo, sumpah ya udah lama banget ga nge post. pasif sekali blog kuuu. oke gue mau basa basi dulu. sebelum gue nge post sesuatu setelah ini, gue mau bilang kalo gue dan teman-teman dikasih tugas buat nge post tentang teknologi di blog dan pake bahasa inggris pula, masya Allah kacau. Trus pake slideshow segala, gue males banget ganti template lagi, tak mau tak mau! tapi ya udah lah ya daripada nilai gue kosong. Tadinya mau bikin blog yang baru supaya blog ini ga dikotak katik tapi males bikin lagi. yasudahlah. oya berhubung gue capek jadinya template slideshownya nanti-nanti aja deh.

Gue baru aja pulang dari Bedah Kampus UI 2010!! Abis itu gue dan teman-teman juga ke citos buat nonton Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows!!!!! Film Harry Potter nya ga mengecewakan. Pokoknya seru deh. Di Harry Potter ada beberapa scene yang dibuku emang ga ada. Tapi ada salah satu yang gue suka yaitu...Harry sama Hermione dansa waltz! Oh my God!! That's very impressive. Emang sih waltz nya agak ga jelas tapi mereka lucu banget deh pokoknya. Pengen tampilin fotonya tapi setelah searching di google belom ada fufufu. Jadi tampilin yang ini aja yaa.

Ga sabar nonton berkali-kali dan nonton yang Part 2 juga!!!

Oya gue juga dapet banyak motivasi di Bedah Kampus UI. Acaranya diadain di Gedung Balairung UI. Dan itu rame banget. Disana tuh jadinya kita dateng ke stand-stand setiap fakultas, nanti kita bisa nanya apa aja tentang fakultas tersebut ke kakak-kakak yang jaga disana. Setelah dateng ke sana gue makin punya banyak pilihan fakultas yang sungguh membuat gue dilema. Tapi dateng ke Bedah Kampus UI tuh bikin termotivasi aja pengen banget kuliah disana. Tempatnya juga sejuk. Trus gue mampir ke Taman Korea yang ada di dalem gedung FISIP. Gue dan temen-temen serasa mahasiswa disana, jadi kayak anak SMA yang ngebolang. Karena tuh disana isinya mahasiswa semua. Kebanyakan anak SMA yang dateng ke BK pada naik Bikun UI buat keliling-keliling. Pokoknya tadi asik banget deh hehehehe. Tapi sayang besok gue harus bergulat dengan pr dan melupakan sejenak keriaan gue hari ini. Tapi gapapa deh abis uas gue akan melampiaskan kefrustasian gue selama semester 1 yang abstrak dan random ini.

Oiya abis bagi rapot nanti, we're going to go to Bali!! I wish that will be an exciting experience ya Espada Lucia. Jadi Espada Lucia itu nama kelas gue, XI IPA 2. Tebak sendiri lah kepanjangannya apa wkwkwk.

Udah ya cukup sekian, mau ngelanjutin post tentang teknologinya yang bakal dipost setelah ini, tapi ga tau selesai kapan fyuuuh. Ya udah dadah. As always, have a nice day!!