
Dream endlessly and always try to make it real. | What you will get is what you have done. | Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference - Winston Churchill | Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are - Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Instant Shirts!

Japan creates instant shirts by using technology of instant noodles. These shirts have the same principles with instant noodles. Actually, the size of these shirts is very small, but when you soak it into the water, it goes to be normal size. It's very suitable to be brought in travelling, so you needn't bring big bag.

source :


Hubaidiyah said...

hihi this is actually vey cute stuff! like it! so original

funnynaura said...

this is what peeps really need :O

sumayya said...

mau, beliiiiin!!!