
Dream endlessly and always try to make it real. | What you will get is what you have done. | Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference - Winston Churchill | Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are - Muhammad Ali

Thursday, September 20, 2012


     Udah kurang lebih 6 minggu gue ikutin kegiatan di kampus. Mulai dari kamaba, ospek sampe kuliah. Ospek jurusan atau MADK (Masa Adaptasi Dunia Kampus) di DTS UI (Departemen Teknik Sipil Universitas Indonesia) berkesan dan berguna banget titik! Kalo disuruh cerita bakalan panjang banget deh pokoknya.

     Btw. sampe saat ini gue masih ngerasa kayak mimpi bisa kuliah di kampus yang udah gue idam-idamin dari kelas 10. Gue mau to the point aja deh sama perjuangan gue selama setahun di kelas 3 SMA kemaren. Intinya, gue gagal di satu kesempatan, tapi Allah mem-"berhasilkan" gue di kesempatan lain, yang hasilnya much much better dari yang pernah gue rencanain.

     Kesempatan pertamanya itu SNMPTN Undangan, jalur yang diharap-harapin banyak orang. Kalo lo berhasil disitu berarti lo bakalan ngerasa bahagia banget bisa sukses duluan di kloter pertama, tapi kalo lo berkesempatan ikut trus lo ga lolos, itu berarti lo di-php-in hehe. Gue dan temen-temen lain yang ditolak ngerasain itu. Kalo di tanya down apa engga, ya down banget lah haha. Susah bangkitnya bro, apalagi pengumuman itu pas H-17 SNMPTN Tulis. Gue ngerasa mendingan ga pernah ikutan SNMPTN Undangan deh, soalnya jadinya lo bakalan lebih prepare buat ikut SNMPTN Tulis.

     Di SNMPTN Undangan gue milih Arsitektur UI di pilihan pertama. Berulang-ulang kali buat milih jurusan itu soalnya gue kepengen banget di situ tapi beberapa orang bilang gue ga punya bakat dan passion disitu. Tapi gue tetep milih, eh ternyata ga keterima, yaudahlah ya. Setelah ditolak Undangan, akhirnya nyokap gue nyuruh gue buat ga milih arsitektur lagi gara-gara alasan yang tadi gue sebut dan takutnya gue juga ga sanggup. Gue akhirnya nurut aja, soalnya sebelumnya gue bener-bener dikasih kebebasan buat milih jurusan. Gue mikir kalo nyokap ga ngeridhoin, gue ngejalaninnya ga bakalan tenang.

     Akhirnya di Tulis gue milih Teknik Sipil UI di pilihan pertama. Gue juga bingung kenapa mau milih itu. Dari kelas X gue ga pernah mikir buat ambil prodi itu. Gue nyari tau tentang tek. sipil itu H-1 gue daftar SNMPTN. Nekad banget emang. Itu karna gue tertarik sama teknik sipil. Dulu emang pernah kepo dan sedikit tertarik walopun ga pernah mikir buat milih itu. Gue tertarik sama prospeknya dan kalo ngebayangin kerjanya ya gue suka. Pokoknya, gue suka bingung kalo ditanya kenapa milih teknik sipil hehe.

     Dan langsung berujung ke endingnya, dengan segala daya, upaya dan kehendak Allah, akhirnya gue keterima di TEKNIK SIPIL UI! Perasaan gue? abstrak dan campur aduk. Bahagia banget, kaget, takjub dan lain-lain. Gue ngerasa "beruntung" banget bisa lolos SNMPTN Tulis. Pokoknya ga nyangka banget deh. Semoga aja gue bisa survive disini dan bisa kuliah dan lulus dengan banyak kontribusi. Aamiin.

     Yang mau gue sampein adalah kalo lo ditolak di satu kesempatan, wajar kok kalo lo down dan sedih. Tapi sedih sama down-nya jangan terus-terusan, pokoknya harus bangkit lagi dan berusaha buat berhasil di kesempatan lain. Kita cuma bisa buat rencana dan keinginan tapi yang "approve" list yang lo buat itu Allah. Kalo ga di approve ya Dia punya rencana yang jauh lebih baik. Jujur, gue ngerasa beruntung ga keterima Undangan dan masuk Arsitektur. Bukan karena arsitektur UI gimana2, tapi karena kalo dipikir-pikir gue emang ga bakat disitu dan mungkin bakalan stress berat kalo kuliah disitu wkwkwk. Gue juga udah ngerasa nyaman banget di DTS UI, gue bakal berusaha buat bisa survive disini walaupun kuliah disini tuh berat banget. Tapi kalo ngebayangin siapa aja yang bakal ikut seneng kalo lo berhasil dan apa aja yang bakal lo petik kalo lo berusaha, you'll be motivated!

     Intinya, rencana Allah itu paling baik dan ga bisa ditebak.

   Walaupun gue udah pengen arsitektur dari kelas 10, ternyata Allah ngasih teknik sipil yang baru gue pengenin dari H-1 gue daftar SNMPTN. Berarti emang tempat gue disini :"D

     Btw, gue ngerasa bersyukur bisa posting blog lagi haha sok sibuk. Bukannya sibuk sih tapi emang udah ga sempet dan rada males kalo banyak-banyak ngepost, tergantung mood deh. Perjuangan gue dari buat masuk kuliah sampe jadi maba itu berkesan banget di tahun 2012 dan diumur 17 tahun ini. Umur 17 tahun emang paling paling deh. Udahan ya positingya, semoga berguna! Byeeee! <3 p="p">

Friday, September 23, 2011

Gleek Out!

    I just could say, I have been really falling in love with Glee since I first watched it on Global TV. It was the episode when Rachel met her mom and sang Poker Face. And I was truly amazed by it, the song was much different with the original one (Lady Gaga). And honestly I love the Glee version one, the genre is accoustic. And after seeing that I was really impressed to watch the prior episodes and follow the rest. I decided to buy the dvd, the counterfeited of course, the original one is soooo expensive :p
    I really love how they sing and perform. They dance so well amd their voices are so greaaaat! And sometimes or maybe always, the story is amazing and cool. Eventhough there are some parts that I don't like. Well I think those don't matter. Many people think that most of the songs they sing are better than the original ones. Poor the real singer! For example, for you who hasn't known, try to download or just listen to Rebecca Black's Friday which was sung by Glee casts. It's a big difference and much better I think, the lyrics are still weird though. If you want to try to watch some or maybe all of the episodes, click here!
    Watching Glee makes me love singing more more and more <3 Don't care how bad my voice is ^^
    Well here are some pictures. I just recommend you and share my opinions about the thing I like.

Yes, I am a gleek out!

Wish you enjoy it ({})

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sense of Musics!

Which one is also yours?


Friday, June 24, 2011


These are both of the videos of Gradevole's performances on Bulungan Cup. Actually we've joined two competitions. But there was an error occured when I tried to upload the other videos. So I just upload these. By the way, let me introduce a little thing of my beloved Gradevole. Gradevole is the choir of 61 SHS. Gradevole is an Italian word which means 'pleasant'. And our coach is abang Yudhi Hutadjulu.
Now, enjoy these videos! Wish you like it! You may share some comments. Thank you.

Looking Through The Eyes of Love - Soundtrack of Ice Castle

Indonesia Jaya

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm not afraid of getting more mature, but I'm afraid of getting older because everything's gonna change.
I don't wanna lose my friends. I don't wanna forget anything that we've shared.
As we're singing together, we share laughter and pain.
No more getting shy of trying to show your ability. Because there's no weakness we have when we understand and appreciate each other.

But the time comes faster. And something which is supposed to happen can't be avoided to occur.
Because time has its own way to flow us into the next situation.

We make each other strong. We're not the same, we're different in a good way, together's where we belong.

What can I give to you in return?