
Dream endlessly and always try to make it real. | What you will get is what you have done. | Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference - Winston Churchill | Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are - Muhammad Ali

Friday, June 24, 2011


These are both of the videos of Gradevole's performances on Bulungan Cup. Actually we've joined two competitions. But there was an error occured when I tried to upload the other videos. So I just upload these. By the way, let me introduce a little thing of my beloved Gradevole. Gradevole is the choir of 61 SHS. Gradevole is an Italian word which means 'pleasant'. And our coach is abang Yudhi Hutadjulu.
Now, enjoy these videos! Wish you like it! You may share some comments. Thank you.

Looking Through The Eyes of Love - Soundtrack of Ice Castle

Indonesia Jaya

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