
Dream endlessly and always try to make it real. | What you will get is what you have done. | Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference - Winston Churchill | Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are - Muhammad Ali

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm not afraid of getting more mature, but I'm afraid of getting older because everything's gonna change.
I don't wanna lose my friends. I don't wanna forget anything that we've shared.
As we're singing together, we share laughter and pain.
No more getting shy of trying to show your ability. Because there's no weakness we have when we understand and appreciate each other.

But the time comes faster. And something which is supposed to happen can't be avoided to occur.
Because time has its own way to flow us into the next situation.

We make each other strong. We're not the same, we're different in a good way, together's where we belong.

What can I give to you in return? 

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