
Dream endlessly and always try to make it real. | What you will get is what you have done. | Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference - Winston Churchill | Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are - Muhammad Ali

Friday, September 23, 2011

Gleek Out!

    I just could say, I have been really falling in love with Glee since I first watched it on Global TV. It was the episode when Rachel met her mom and sang Poker Face. And I was truly amazed by it, the song was much different with the original one (Lady Gaga). And honestly I love the Glee version one, the genre is accoustic. And after seeing that I was really impressed to watch the prior episodes and follow the rest. I decided to buy the dvd, the counterfeited of course, the original one is soooo expensive :p
    I really love how they sing and perform. They dance so well amd their voices are so greaaaat! And sometimes or maybe always, the story is amazing and cool. Eventhough there are some parts that I don't like. Well I think those don't matter. Many people think that most of the songs they sing are better than the original ones. Poor the real singer! For example, for you who hasn't known, try to download or just listen to Rebecca Black's Friday which was sung by Glee casts. It's a big difference and much better I think, the lyrics are still weird though. If you want to try to watch some or maybe all of the episodes, click here!
    Watching Glee makes me love singing more more and more <3 Don't care how bad my voice is ^^
    Well here are some pictures. I just recommend you and share my opinions about the thing I like.

Yes, I am a gleek out!

Wish you enjoy it ({})

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sense of Musics!

Which one is also yours?


Friday, June 24, 2011


These are both of the videos of Gradevole's performances on Bulungan Cup. Actually we've joined two competitions. But there was an error occured when I tried to upload the other videos. So I just upload these. By the way, let me introduce a little thing of my beloved Gradevole. Gradevole is the choir of 61 SHS. Gradevole is an Italian word which means 'pleasant'. And our coach is abang Yudhi Hutadjulu.
Now, enjoy these videos! Wish you like it! You may share some comments. Thank you.

Looking Through The Eyes of Love - Soundtrack of Ice Castle

Indonesia Jaya

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm not afraid of getting more mature, but I'm afraid of getting older because everything's gonna change.
I don't wanna lose my friends. I don't wanna forget anything that we've shared.
As we're singing together, we share laughter and pain.
No more getting shy of trying to show your ability. Because there's no weakness we have when we understand and appreciate each other.

But the time comes faster. And something which is supposed to happen can't be avoided to occur.
Because time has its own way to flow us into the next situation.

We make each other strong. We're not the same, we're different in a good way, together's where we belong.

What can I give to you in return? 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I love singing
I love Gradevole
We love Abang, our inspiration, thankyou for everything.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fun Things Are What We Always Want

Halo, hello, ni hao!
Kawan gue udah lama banget ga nge post! Oke gue tau mungkin lo pada bosen ngeliat opening gue gini terus. Gue sendiri yang ngetik jenuh banget tapi ya emang begitu adanya.

Ngomong-ngomong, blog gue udah ancur banget ga ketulungan belakangan ini. Gue jarang banget update, trus itu ada orang ga jelas banyak banget di Cbox gue, ga ngerti deh itu maksud mereka beneran muji atau ngespam doang, begitu gue buka linknya malah website dagang2 gitu -___- tapi kalo muji makasih banget deh yaaa wkwkwk #pedebangetloshab Tapi abis gue ngepost ini kayaknya bakal gue rombak lagi hampir semuanya. Gue pengen tampilannya yang simple aja tapi menarik.

Gue bukan orang yang jago sastra, ga berbakat menulis, dan ga pandai berkata2 dalam membuat artikel, post, essay dan sebagainya. Jadi maklum aja ya kalo isi post gue itu emang cenderung random hehe. Kali ini gue bakal berbagi tentang hal2 yang menyenangkan. Karena setiap orang suka bersenang-senang, yakan yakan yakan??!

Jadi sekarang2 ini, gue lagi bahagia banget nih *curhat*
Abis UAS gitu looooh siapa sih anak SMA yang ga bahagia kalo abis UAS? Walaupun belom tau remed2an tapi setidaknya satu agenda sudah terpenuhi. Dan parahnya lagi sebelum UAS selesai gue udah bikin rencana2 liburan gue. Gue pengen bikin liburan gue ini berharga dan gue bener2 bersenang2 (liburan terakhir sebelum kelas 12 loooh). Dan pastinya gue nyari liburan yang murah meriah. Salah satunya adalah surfing internet. Yap! Terdengar sederhana tapi ya sudah lah ya. Enak kan ga perlu repot2, tinggal colok modem, connect, buka browser, jadi deh. Tapi butuh pulsa juga sih........ Gue pengen melanjutkan keaktifan gue di Blog, Tumblr dan Looklet! Kalo di Blog ga tau deh ya gue mau ngepost apa. Kalo tumblr mungkin lebih ke quotes tapi......gue lupa email sama password! Bayangin email sama password, dua2nya, mau jadi apaaaa. Kalo Looklet itu yang seruuuuuuuu! Gue serasa puas mau padupadanin baju kaya apapun! Dan lebih serunya itutuh kayak beneran, bukan animasi lagi. Modelnya pun orang. Silahkan dicoba teman2!

Selain itu gue juga pengen hunting komik Miiko yang buanyaaak, abisnya ya itu komiknya lucu, apalagi Miiko sama Tappei nya.
Gue rencananya pengen nyari di Kwitang atau Senen. Tapi ga mau yang fotokopiaaaaaaan -__- Ehya tapi waktu itu untuk pertama kalinya gue ke sana nyari Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows yang baru dan asli. Dan itu ketemuuu yang hard cover pula, harganya jauh banget loh sama harga di Gramedia, beda 95rb! Lumayan bangetbanget! Tapi ga tau deh sekarang masih ada yang kayak gitu atau ga. Gue juga pengen beli bukunya @Poconggg, si artis dunia maya yang suka dihina2 wkwk. Baru kali ini gue ngeliat idola yang banyak fans nya tapi malah dihina2 terus. Tapi kayaknya ga ada deh di sana -.-

Oya kalian tau Glee kan kan kaaan?! Sebenernya untuk pertama kalinya gue nonton Serial TV Musikal, jadi ga tau sih komentar gue itu cocok atau ga tentang Glee ini. Glee itu menurut gue keren! Suara mereka bagus2 banget, aransemennya juga bagus. Banyak loh lagu yang lebih bagus dinyanyiin sama mereka dibandingin sama penyanyi aslinya. Sedih banget itu penyanyi aslinya. Rencananya adalah gue mau beli kaset dvd bajakannya Glee season 2. Parah ya..... Abis yang original mahal banget, biasanya untuk Serial TV tuh harganya bisa sampe 400ribuan. Gue belom nonton Season 2 nya nih, ketinggalan banget emang, secara gue ga pake TV Cable dirumah. Bagi kalian yang belom tau, coba deh cari tau dan nonton. Dan nontonnya jangan loncat2 biar lebih nikmat!

Sekian dulu dari saya temen2, cuma itu aja kayaknya yang gue bagi di post kali ini, semoga bermanfaat.
May our holiday will be great!

With love,

Who Am I?

Satu hal yang terpenting dan bikin galau saat ini bagi anak SMA yang mau naik kelas 12 adalah.......Mau masuk fakultas apa lo nanti?? Mau jadi apa? Bakat dan minat lo apa??

The biggest questions in our teenage life! We have to make an exact decision! It determines our future guys!