
Dream endlessly and always try to make it real. | What you will get is what you have done. | Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference - Winston Churchill | Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are - Muhammad Ali

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Greatest Story Ever!

Haaaaaai jumpa lagi bersama saya SHABRINA NADHILA!!
Di post kali ini saya akan berramah-tamah membicarakan tentang karangan cerita paling spektakuler dalam dunia pernovelan, yang tak lain dan tak asing didengar oleh anda adalah 

Yap, baca Harry Potter bikin gue makin mengembangkan daya imajinasi (dibacanya dengan nada di spongebob) hehehe. Pasti banyak banget deh yang suka sama Harry Potter. Walaupun pasti di setiap novel ada kekurangannya, tapi gue menghargai dan memaklumi kok kalo ada kekurangan di novel karangan Joanne Kathleen Rowling ini :)
Selain suka sama novelnya, gue juga suka ama filmnya. Yaaaa mau seperti apapun cerita Harry Potter di filmnya itu, gue tetep suka selama masih bisa diterima. Tapi kadang2 gue suka kesel sama filmnya masalahnya mereka kadang (bukan kadang lagi sebenernya tapi sering) suka ngilangin beberapa cerita dr novel yg justru ditunggu2 sm Harry Potter Freaks untuk ditampilin di filmnya. Tapi teteeeep masih suka juga sih nontonnya huehehehe. Oya gue baru aja nonton Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince, TELAT BANGET KAN GUE!! Yah emang, karena waktu filmnya keluar gue udah males nonton karena capek sekolah apalagi itu pas awal2 SMA jadi masih agak belom beradaptasi dengan rutinitas sehari2 dan akhirnya gue baru mood dan rela mengorbankan waktu untuk nonton nih film pas sekarang2 ini. Dan waw banget keselnya tapi waw banget juga serunya. Rupert dan Danielnya makin tampaaaaaaaan (lebih baik daripada di Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix) ihiy, dan Emma Watson (kakak khayalan gue ekekek) cantik bangeeeeet. Dan gue suka banget dialog pas di adegan ini:

Slughorn : [Telling Harry the story of his deceased fish] It was a student who gave me Francis. One spring afternoon I discovered a bowl on my desk with just a few inches of clear water in it. And floating on the surface was a flower petal. As I watched, it sank. Just before it reached the bottom, it was transformed into a wee fish. It was beautiful magic, wonderous to behold. The flower petal had come from a lily. Your mother. The day I came downstairs, the day the bowl was empty, was the day your mother... I know why you're here, but I can't help you. It would ruin me.
Harry: I'm going to tell you something...something others have only guessed at... It's true. I am the Chosen One, only I can destroy him, but in order to do so, I need to know what Tom Riddle asked you all those years ago in your office, and I need to know what you told him... Be brave, sir... be brave like my mother... otherwise you disgrace her... otherwise she died for nothing... otherwise the bowl will remain empty... forever...
Slughorn: Please... don't think badly of me when you see it... you've no idea how he was like, even then... [Withdraws memory]

Aaaa disini pokoknya sedih kalo menurut gue, gatau kenapa hehehe. Oya gue juga PENGEN BANGET SEKOLAH DI HOGWARTS!!! Siapa coba yang ga mau, apalagi di Gryffindor, huhuhu.

Tapi yang jelas secara keseluruhan semua sequel (bener ga sih tulisannya?) Harry Potter gue sukaaa hehehe. Tapi sayang banget gue ga punya novel Harry Potter satu pun huhu, ada yang mau beliin? hehe. Pengen banget beli satu paket 1-7 tapi uangnya pasti kepake buat hal lain yang lebih mendesak :(


I love Harry Potter, really :)

 J.K Rowling seems obviously that she is 
really great!

Bye bye, keep reading guys, because reading can make our life colourful ^.^
Have a nice holiday!

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